1. 国家自然科学基金课题, 南海中尺度过程时空变异特征的卫星遥感研究
2. 中国科学院创新工程项目,南海北部中尺度动力过程特征及其环境与生态效应
3. 国家973计划课题,亚洲区域海陆气相互作用规律与机理
4. 中国科学院战略先导专项A子课题,西太平洋垂直层化热动力学及其调控暖池热含量演变的机理
1. Jie Yu, Quanan Zheng, Zhiyou Jing, Yiquan Qi, Shuwen Zhang, Lingling Xie(2018),Satellite observations of sub-mesoscale vortex trains in the western boundary of the South China Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 183 (2018) 56–62
1.Chu, Xiaoqing, Changming Dong, and Yiquan Qi (2017), The influence of ENSO on an oceanic eddy pair in the South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 122(3), 1643-1652, doi:10.1002/2016jc012642.
2.Yan, Y., D. Xu, K. Yu and Y.Qi (2017), Propagation of the subsurface freshening water and its major source in the northwestern Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, doi: 10.1002/2017JC013033.
3.Cheng X., J.P. McCreary, B. Qiu, Y.Qi, Y. Du(2017),Intraseasonal-to-semiannual variability of sea-surface height in the astern, equatorial Indian Ocean and southern Bay of Bengal, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean, doi:10.1002/2016JC012662.
2. Gengxin Chen, Dongxiao Wang, Changming Dong, Tingting Zu, Huijie Xue, Yeqiang Shu, Xiaoqing Chu, Yiquan Qi & Hui Chen: Observed deep energetic eddies by seamount wake, Scientific Reports (2015) doi:10.1038/srep17416.
1.闫桐,齐义泉,经志友:南海上层环流对不同气候态风场响应的数值研究,热带海洋学报,34(4):1-11, 2015.
2.Wang A., Y. Du, W. Zhuang and Y. Qi: Correlation between subsurface high-salinity water in the northern South China Sea and the North Equatorial Current-Kuroshio cicculation system from HYCOM simulations. Ocean Science, 11,305-312, 2015.
3.Chen X., B. Qiu, X. Cheng, Y. Qi, Y. Du, Intra-seasonal variability of Pacific-origin sea level anomalies around the Philippine Archipelago. Journal of Oceanography. 71:239-249, 2015.
4.Chen X., B. Qiu, S. Chen, Y. Qi, Y. Du, Seasonal Eddy Kinetic Energy Modulations along the North Equatorial Countercurrent in the Western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. DOI: 10.1002/2015JC011054. 120(9):6351-6362, 2015.
1.Xiaoqing Chu*, Huijie Xue , Yiquan Qi , Gengxin Chen , Qingwen Mao , Dongxiao Wang , Fei Chai: An exceptional anticyclonic eddy in the South China Sea in 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, DOI: 10.1002/2013JC009314, 2014.
2.Junmin Li, Yiquan Qi, Zhiyou Jing*, Jia Wang. Enhancement of eddy-Ekman pumping inside anticyclonic eddies with wind-parallel extension: Satellite observations and numerical studies in the South China Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.02.002, 2014.
3.Shuwen Zhang*, Lingling Xie,Yijun Hou,Hui Zhao,Yiquan Qi,Xiaofei Yi. Tropical storm-induced turbulent mixing and chlorophyll-a enhancement in the continental shelf southeast of Hainan Island, Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 129, January 2014, Pages 405–414.
4.林小刚, 齐义泉, 程旭华,3~5月份东印度洋上层水文要素特征分析,热带海洋学报,33 (3): 1-9,2014。
5.王爱梅,杜岩,庄伟,王发云,齐义泉,南海北部次表层高盐水的季节变化及其与西北太平洋环流的关系,热带海洋学报,33(6): 1-8,2014。
6. Zeng, X.Z, S.Q.Peng, Z.J. Li , Y.Q. Qi, R.Y. Chen. A reanalysis dataset of the South China Sea. Sci. data, 2014,1:140052
1.Chen Xiao, Yan Youfang, Cheng Xuhua, Qi Yiquan*. Performances of seven datasets in presenting the upper ocean heat content in the South China Sea. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-2132-1, 2013.
2.Xuhua Cheng*, Shang-Ping Xie, Julian P. McCreary, Yiquan Qi, and Yan Du, Intraseasonal variability of sea surface height in the Bay of Bengal, J. Geophys. Res., 118, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20075, 2013.
3.Youfang Yan*, Eric P. Chassignet, Yiquan Qi, and William K. Dewar, Freshening of Subsurface Waters in the Northwest Pacific Subtropical Gyre: Observations and Dynamics. Journal of Physical Oceanography, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-13-03.1, 2013.
4.董慧超,经志友*,齐义泉,周立佳,冬季南海西边界急流的动力机制分析,热带海洋学报,32(2): 74-81,2013。
5.毛庆文*, 储小青, 严幼芳, 齐义泉, 王东晓, 龚建忠, 蔡东明, 吴忠鼎, 潘长明,南海三维动态温盐场重构系统的设计与实现, 热带海洋学报, 32(6):1-8. 2013.
6.刘花,王静*,齐义泉,刘春霞,黄健,吕卫华,南海北部近岸海域Jason-1卫星高度计与浮标观测结果的对比分析,热带海洋学报,32(5):15-22. 2013.
7.李建平,任荣彩*,齐义泉,王法明,陆日宇,张培群,江志红,段晚锁,于非,杨永增,亚洲区域海-陆-气相互作用对全球和亚洲气候变化的作用研究进展,大气科学,37(2):518-538, 2013.
1.Jing Zhiyou*, Qi Yiquan, and Du Yan, Persistent upwelling and front over the Sulu Ridge and their variations, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C11011, doi: 10.1029/ 2012JC008355, 2012.
2.Wang Xidong*, Li Wei, Qi Yiquan and Han Guijun, Heat, salt and volume transports by eddies in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait. Deep Sea Res. Part I, 61,21-33, 2012.
3.Xu Dazhi, Zhu Jiang*, Qi Yiquan, Li Xichen and Yan Youfang, The impact of mean dynamic topography on sea-level anomaly assimilation in the South China Sea based on an eddy-resolving model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 31(5):11-25, 2012.
4.Yan Youfang*, Qi Yiquan, Zhou Wen, Variability of tropical cyclone occurrence date in the South China Sea and its relationship with SST warming. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 55-56, 2012.
5.Yan Youfang, Xu Dazhi*, Qi Yiquan and Gan Zijun, Observations of Freshening in the Northwest Pacific Subtropical Gyre near Luzon Strait. Atmosphere-Ocean, DOI:10.1080/07055900.2012.715078, 2012.
7.江丽芳*, 尹毅, 齐义泉, 张志旭,钦州湾台风浪的多年一遇极值推算,热带海洋学报,31(4):8-16,2012。
1.Jiang Lifang, Zhang Zhixu, and Qi Yiquan, Simulations of SWAN and WAVEWATCH III in the Northern South China Sea, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2010v1, 213-220, 2011.
2.Jing Zhiyou*, Qi Yiquan, and Du Yan, Upwelling in the continental shelf of northern South China Sea associated with 1997-98 El Niño. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C02033, doi:10.1029/2010JC006598, 2011.
3.Wang Xidong*, Han Guijun, Qi YiQuan, Li Wei, Impact of barrier layer on typhoon-induced sea surface cooling, DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS, 52(3): 367-385, 2011.
4.Xu Dazhi, Li Xichen, Zhu Jiang*, and Qi Yiquan, Evaluation of an ocean data assimilation system in the marginal seas around China with a focus on the South China Sea, Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol., Vol.29, No.2, P.414-426, 2011.
5.江丽芳*,张志旭,齐义泉,陈荣裕,WAVEWATCH Ⅲ和 SWAN 模式在南海北部海域海浪模拟结果的对比分析,热带海洋学报,30(5)27-37,2011。
6.王喜冬*,韩桂军,李威,齐义泉,利用卫星观测海面信息反演三维温度场, 热带海洋学报,30(1),2011。
1.Qi Yiquan*, Zhang Zhixu, and Shi Ping, Extreme Wind Wave and Current in Deep Water of the South China Sea, Int. J. Offshore Polar Eng., 20(1), 18-23, 2010.
2.Cheng Xuhua* and Qi Yiquan, On steric and mass-induced contributions to the annual sea-level variations in the South China sea, Global Planet. Change, 72, 227-233, 2010.
3.Cheng Xuhua* and Qi Yiquan, Variations of eddy kinetic energy in the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 66(1), 85-94, 2010.
4.Jiang Lifang, Zhang Zhixu, and Qi Yiquan, Simulations of SWAN and WAVEWATCH III in the Northern South China Sea, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 213-220, 2010.
5.Tong Jingquan*, Gan Zijun, Qi Yiquan, and Mao Qingwen, Predicted positions of tidal fronts in continental shelf of South China Sea, J. Mar. Syst., 82, 145-153, 2010.
6.Yan Youfang*, Qi Yiquan, and Zhou Wen, Interannual heat content variability in the South China Sea and its response to ENSO, Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 50, 400–414, 2010.
7.Yin Yi, Qi Yiquan, and Mao Qingwen, Numerical simulation of tidal current in Zhanjiang harbor using SM/RMA2 model, Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 228-232, 2010.
8.佟景全*,雷方辉,毛庆文,齐义泉,不考虑局地引潮势的南海正压潮能通量与潮能耗散,热带海洋学报, 29(3), 1-9,2010。
1.Jing Zhiyou*, Qi Yiquan, Hua Zulin and Zhang Hong, Numerical Study on the Summer Upwelling System in the Northern Continental Shelf of the South China Sea, Cont. Shelf Res., 29(2), 467-478, 2009.
3.Shi Ping and Qi yiquan: 1997, A preliminary study on characteristics of wind and wave over the area of ‘96 Yellow Sea acoustic experiment Shallow-Water Acoustics, Editors:Renhe Zhang and Jixun Zhou, China Ocean Press, Beijing.
12.王卫强,王东晓,齐义泉,南海表层水温年际变化的大尺度特征,《海洋学报》,V22:8-16, 2000.
13.陈俊昌,齐义泉,王文质,王洲,Geosat卫星观测台风浪断面分布研究,《南海海洋科学集刊》,V13:189-200, 2000.
14.Jianyu Hu, Hiroshi Kawamura, Huasheng Hong and Yiquan Qi, A review on the currents in the South China Sea: seasonal circulation, South China Sea warm current and Kuroshio intrusion, Journal of Oceanography, V56:607-624,2000.
15.王东晓,施平,杨昆,齐义泉, 南海TOPEX海面高度资料的混合同化试验,《海洋与湖沼》,V32(1):101-108, 2001.
16.王静, 齐义泉,施平, 南海海面风、浪场的EOF分析,《海洋学报》,V23 (5): 136-140,2001
17.Wang D.X., Y. Liu, Y. Qi and P. Shi, Variability of Thermal fronts in the northern South China Sea from Satelite data, Geophysical Research Letters, V28(20): 3963-3966, 2001.
18.毛庆文,施平, 齐义泉, 运用调和分析方法分离卫星高度计资料中的潮汐信息,《海洋工程》,V20(1):41-45, 2002。
19.王静,齐义泉,施平,毛庆文,基于TOPEX/Poseidon资料的南海海面高度场的时空特征分析,热带海洋学报,22(4),26-33, 2003;
20.张志旭,齐义泉,施平,李志伟,最优化插值同化方法在预报南海台风浪中的应用,热带海洋学报,22(4),35-41, 2003;
21.齐义泉,施平,毛庆文,王静,基于T/P资料分析南海海面风、浪场特征及其关系,水动力学研究与进展,18(5),619-624, 2003;
22.齐义泉,朱伯承,施平,毛庆文,WWATCH模式模拟南海海浪场的结果分析,海洋学报,25(4),1-9, 2003;
23.张志旭,齐义泉,施平,卫星高度计波高资料的同化试验分析,海洋学报,25(5),21-28, 2003;
24.刘赟,王东晓,齐义泉,王文质,热带西太平洋上层热含量年际变化的区域性特征,海洋与湖沼,34(5),461-473, 2003;
25.杜岩,齐义泉,陈举,施平等,东海定点连续观测站上的海流分析,海洋工程,21(1),94-100, 2003;
26.甘子钧、严幼芳、齐义泉:地球-大气-海洋系统熵收支的估算,自然科学进展,Vol.14, NO.5, 528-534, 2004;
27.Youfang YAN, Zijun GAN, Yiquan QI, On the entropy budget of the global ocean system, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol31, No14; 14311 1-4, 2004.
28.Zijun GAN, Youfang YAN, Yiquan QI, The Entropy budget of the Earth-Atmosphere-Ocean System, Progress in Natural Science, Vol14(11),79-85, 2004.
29.Peter Chu, Yiquan QI, Yuchun Chen, Ping SHI, Qingwen Mao, South China Sea Wind Wave Chararteristics, Part 1: Validation of Wavewatch III Using TOPEX/Poseidon Data, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Vol21 No11, 1718-1733, 2004.
30.Chunxia Liu, Yiquan QI, Jing Wang, Wan Qilin, Peter Chu, Impact on the tropical cyclone "Vongfong" Forcast Using the QuickSCAT wind data, Acta Oceanologica Sinica,Vol.23(3): 387-397, 2004.
31.刘春霞,王静,齐义泉,万齐林,基于WRF模式同化QuikSCAT风场资料的初步试验,热带海洋学报, Vol23(6):69-74, 2004。
32.严幼芳,甘子钧,齐义泉,全球海洋与大气界面的熵通量估算,热带海洋学报,Vol23(6):60-68, 2004。
33.Qingwen Mao, Ping Shi, Kedong Yin, Jianping Gan, Yiquan Qi,Tides and tidal currents in the Pearl River Estuary,Continental Shelf Research,Vol24, 1797-1808, 2004.
34.杜岩、王东晓、陈举,齐义泉,施平,南海南部混合层底盐度异常水体的结构特征,热带海洋学报,Vol23(6): 52-59, 2004.
35.Peter Chu, Yiquan QI, Yuchun Chen, Ping SHI, Qingwen Mao,Validation of Wavewatch-III Using the TOPEX/POSEIDON Data,Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5233: 98-107, 2004.
36.Peter Chu, Wang Jing, Yiquan QI,Determination of the South China Sea Surface Height Variability Using TOPEX/POSEIDON data, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5233: 169-178, 2004.
37.J. H. Miller, L. R. Bartek, G. R. Potty, D.J. Tang, J. Na, Y.Q. Qi, Sediments in the East China Sea; IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2004, Vol.29(4):940-951.
38.Ramp, S.R. Chiu, C.-S. Bahr, F.L. Qi, Y. Dahl, P.H. Miller, J. Lynch, J.F. Zhang, R. Zhou, J. The Shelf-Edge Environment in the Central East China Sea and its Impact on Low Frequency Acoustic Propagation. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2004, Vol.29(4):1011- 1031.
40.曾淦宁、齐义泉、胡建宇、洪华生,台湾海峡M2分潮潮波研究进展,海洋科学进展,2004,Vol.22 No.4: 508-518。
41.齐义泉、张志旭、李志伟等:人工神经网络在海浪数值预报中的应用,水科学进展,2005,16(1): 32-35.
42.毛庆文,王卫强,齐义泉,陈荣裕:夏季季风转换期间南沙群岛海域的温盐分布特征,热带海洋学报,2005,Vol. 24(1):28-36。
45.程旭华,齐义泉,王卫强:南海中尺度涡的季节和年际变化特征分析,热带海洋学报,2005,Vol24(4): 51-59.
46.Wang J., Y. Qi, I. S. F. Jones: An analysis on the characteristics of the chlorophyll in the Sulu Sea, Journal of Marine Systems,2006, Vol.59:111-119.
47.Zhixu Zhang, Chi-Wai Li, Yiquan Qi and Yok-Sheung Li: Incorporation of artificial neural networks and data assimilation techniques into a third-generation wind-wave model for wave forecasting, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2006, 8(1): 65-76.
53.Jingquan Tong, Jing Wang, Yiquan Qi: Interannual Variability of the heat storage anomaly in the South China Sea estimated from Merged Altimetric Data, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 49(6):657-663,2006.
54.Mao Q., Y. Qi, P. Shi, H. Zhan and Z. Gan: Is there any amphidromic point of S2 constituent around the natuna Islands in the Southern South China Sea? Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(Supp. II):17-25, 2006.
56.Gan Z., Y. Yan, Y. Qi: Scaling Analysis of the sea surface temperature anomaly in the south china sea, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 24, No. 4, pages 681–687,2007 (SCI收录).
57.Cheng X, Y. Qi: Trends of Sea Level Variations in the South China Sea from Merged Altimetry Data, Global and Planetary Change, 52: 371-382. 2007.
58.JING, Z. Y., Hua, Z. L., Qi, Y. Q. and Cheng, X. H: Numerical Study on the Coastal Upwelling and Its Seasonal Variation in the East China Sea, Journal of Coastal Research, SI50:555-563. 2007.
59.Wang Guihua, Hui Wang and Yiquan Qi, Seasonal variability of tropical cyclones generated over the South China Sea, ACTA Ocenaologica Sinica, V26(4): 20-28, 2007.
60.刘辉,江丽芳,齐义泉,毛庆文,程旭华,南沙群岛海域混合层深度季节变化特征,海洋科学进展,V25(3): 268-279, 2007。
63.Cheng X, Y. Qi, W. Zhou: Trends of Sea Level Variations in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, Global and Planetary Change, 63: 57-66, 2008。